
北海道・北東北の縄文遺跡群の特徴1 Attribute 1

Attribute 1  Demonstrating a lifestyle characterized by managed use of natural resources

特徴1 自然の資源をうまく利用した生活を示すこと


The property demonstrates how prehistoric people in the region led sedentary lives based on hunting, fishing, and gathering over the very long period of more than 10,000  years through the sustainably managed use of natural bounties, including  forest and aquatic resources, while adapting to  environmental  change such as climate warming and cooling without transitioning to an agrarian society.




ここでのキーワード  managed use  管理利用

                                        natural resources 自然の資源 

                                        more than 10,000 years 1万年以上                                       Decisions 44COM 8B.37 of the World Heritage Committee